Opinions, expectations and evaluations of teachers participating in the Spanish School Programme 2.0


  • Manuel Área Universidad de La Laguna
  • Ana Luisa Sanabria Mesa Universidad de La Laguna


This paper presents the design and results of research that has explored the views, values, expectations and opinions of over 5,000 teachers participating in the implementation of the Spanish School Programme 2.0. We designed a specific survey of opinion in which the data were collected by means of an online questionnaire sent to teachers in the last cycle of primary education and first cycle of secondary education across all the regions of Spain. The results indicate that the majority of teachers considered ICT policies necessary for the modernisation and improvement of schools, and that there exists a positive expectation of them, though they are critical of the implementation process that has developed.


ICT, 2.0 School, teachers, educational policy, 1, 1 model, educational technology

Author Biography

Ana Luisa Sanabria Mesa, Universidad de La Laguna

Departamento de Didáctica e Investigación Educativa
Área Didáctica y Organización Escolar
Docencia e Investigación ámbito de las TIC en la educación




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