Walking unexplored paths of educational management: In search of lost institutional image


  • Mariela Esther Questa Torterolo Universidad ORT Uruguay


This article is based on the results of research conducted at a technical training center located in Uruguay with problems of low enrollment. The objective of this article is to reflect on the importance of institutional image in attracting students. The research methodology was the result of structuring a case study using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Interviews, surveys, observations and the compilation of documents were used as tools for data collection, which allowed the triangulation of information. The results of the study demonstrate the relationship between the courses offered, their educational quality, the way the offering is communicated through the use of marketing strategies, and the influence of internal organizational factors in the institutional image. The research concludes that working on internal aspects of the organization, such as organizational development, process management and culture, can lead to higher educational quality, as the institution can specifically tailor its course offering to those in need of training. Moreover, the proper communication of the educational quality achieved improves the institutional image with a consequent increase in enrollment. The research resulted in the development of a tool for monitoring institutional makeover, which can be applied to any organization in any context.


marketing education, educational quality, knowledge management, organizational development, institutional image, tool


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Author Biography

Mariela Esther Questa Torterolo, Universidad ORT Uruguay

Instituto de Educación, Universidad ORT - Montevideo- Uruguay, Docente, tutora

Centro de Extensión - Universidad ORT - Colonia-Uruguay, Docente

Colegio San Juan Bautista de la Misericordia- Colonia-Uruguay, Equipo de Dirección, Secundaria




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