Academic Expertise as a Visibility Factor of University Teachers: A Gender Perspective Study
This article forms part of a research study aimed at defining academic visibility from a gender perspective. A theoretical model based on three variables is considered: participation, expertise and power as manifested through the three academic functions of teaching, research and management. Specific results regarding academic expertise as a component of visibility are provided. A qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews of 22 faculty members from two universities in Spain was used. The main findings show that academic expertise constitutes a visibility factor for teaching faculty and has important implications for the academic development of female teachers. The results reveal that expertise is a factor of academic visibility. From the gender perspective, having expertise enhances prestige in research, but does not contribute to narrowing the gender gap between academic achievements at the university level.Keywords
expertise, university, women, gender, research, teaching, management, visibilityReferences
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Copyright (c) 2015 Maria Dolors Bernabeu Tamayo, Georgeta Ion, Mònica Feixas Condom
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