Sharing points of view about education: An intergenerational program with seniors of the third-age university (u3a) and students in the teacher education degree
Memory and Live Heritage is an educational innovation project focused on the intergenerational dialogue of seniors’ and juniors’ life experiences and educational life conducted at the University of Valencia (Campus de Ontinyent) in biweekly sessions over a six-month period.Through direct interaction and shared learning, the intergenerational dialogue permitted obtaining different views on lifelong learning, while overcoming mutual stereotypes between people of different generations. The qualitative data analysis based on written narratives in diary form revealed different categories and sub-categories, among them intergenerational benefits (gains), validation (empowerment), the attainment of new knowledge (shared learning), similarities between participants of different ages, and the value of reminiscence. The project also served to promote a positive image of older people as active citizens who are capable of contributing to the community.
intergenerational projects, educational innovation, elderly people, participation, active aging, educational life storiesReferences
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Copyright (c) 2016 Sacramento Pinazo-Hernandis, Carmen Agulló, Jose Cantó, Shaila Moreno, Iolanda Torró, Joan Torró
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