Implementation of Dual Training Programmes through the Development of Boundary Objects: A Case Study


  • Michael Gessler Universität Bremen
  • Susanne Peters Universität Bremen


A dual training system or programme tries to balance education (in a school) and training (in a company) in an equal manner to qualify, educate and socialise the next generation. Besides these effects (qualification, education and socialisation), it seems that this dual structure enables a country to achieve economic targets (e.g. economic growth) and social objectives (e.g. the integration of young people into the employment market), which is why attempts are being made in various countries to develop or to preserve dual training structures. This study focuses on emerging dual training programmes in the United States of America. Our questions are: How do German companies establish dual structures in the United States of America? How do they shape the cooperation between companies and schools? As the cooperation aspect will be the focus of the article, we will concentrate on the interface between the schools and the companies. Our theoretical reference is the concept of boundary objects; a concept within the tradition of cultural-historical activity theory. Using this concept, we show how and in which way dual training structures and an innovative workplace learning partnership have being established in a German transplant in the USA.


activity theory, boundary objects, vocational education and training, professional development, German dual system, case study


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Author Biographies

Michael Gessler, Universität Bremen

University Bremen

Institute Technology and Education


Professor Dr.

Susanne Peters, Universität Bremen

University Bremen

Institute Technology and Education






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