The action-reflection portfolio: A strategy to promote research in higher education


  • María del Rocío Deliyore-Vega Universidad de Costa Rica


This article examines the results of determining the pertinence of the action-reflection portfolio as an innovative strategy in higher education based on the principles of action research in educational practice. The strategy was implemented with a group of teachers at the Special Education Center of Heredia, Costa Rica, who took a training course on the design and selection of communication systems to meet the specific communication needs of students with disabilities.

To determine the pertinence of the strategy, qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments were used with the teachers. The findings in this triangulation suggest that the students viewed the strategy positively and that it led to significant changes in educational actions.

The study concludes that such changes are due to the fact the strategy serves to promote research and involve teachers in the theory and practice of the course content, as well as foster educational assessment based on shared introspection and reflection. Finally, the action-reflection portfolio was found to profoundly change the professional and personal development of the participants as it encourages the development of values related to cooperation, compromise, dialogue and critical thinking.


higher education, social constructivism, action research, innovation, teaching strategy


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Author Biography

María del Rocío Deliyore-Vega, Universidad de Costa Rica

PhD student at Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España).




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