Life histories and narratives about subalternity: Facing the challenge of the intractable in relation with the Other



In this paper, we address the challenge of bringing research on life histories to the experience of groups considered by society as disadvantaged and individuals who are in subaltern positions due to socio-cultural marginalization, gender segregation and cultural differences. We tackle these issues by means of two strategies. In the first one, we review the contributions of the subaltern approach to confront the tensions posed by the subordinated ‘other’ to a hegemonic institution such as the university. In the second, we present how we have approached some of these tensions in a research study with young migrants where we have tried to decolonize not only the relationships, but also the representation of otherness. The purpose is to contribute to building relationships where tensions and contradictions are not circumvented, while enabling other forms of representation among researchers and those that generously shared their stories.


otherness, post-colonialism, narrative research, youth immigrants, subalternity, life histories


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Author Biographies

Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Universitat de Barcelona

Grup de recerca Esbrina (

Catedràctic Universitat

Juana María Sancho Gil, Universitat de Barcelona

Grup de recerca Esbrina (




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