Final Degree Projects as an innovation in the EHEA: a collaborative work proposal based on pyramidal tutorials
The European Higher Education Area and the implementation of the new degrees have resulted in a number of changes in the Spanish university system, among which is the Final Degree Project as the culmination of the training process.
This paper arises from an innovation project focussed on collaborative learning and pyramidal tutorials to produce the Final Degree Project. A total of 31 students from Bachelor’s degrees in Pre-School and Primary Education, and five teachers from the Faculty of Education at the University of Córdoba participated in this project in the 2014/15 academic year.
In order to assess the benefits of the project and evaluate its development, an analysis was carried out by means of a descriptive methodology, combining observational instruments and rubrics for data collection. The data analysis and interpretation was performed using a triangulation of sources (observation, interviews and discussion groups) and the Nudist Nvivo qualitative analysis software.
The results revealed that the experience has been very positive and enriching. The need to continue with this kind of project to improve the benefits in the student learning process and the assessment of the Final Degree Projects was also deduced.
EHEA, teaching innovation, collaborative work, Final Degree ProjectReferences
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Copyright (c) 2018 M. Elena Gómez Parra, Rocío Serrano Rodríguez, M.ª Isabel Amor Almedina, Cristina A. Huertas Abril
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