Learning at work: Researching personal development and competence building in work integration companies


  • Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixá Universitat de València


The context of our research is Work Integration Enterprises. These hire people who are emerging from processes of social exclusion for a period of between 6 months and three years. In these companies, people work while learning a trade and learning to work, in order to facilitate their entry into the ordinary labour market.

Of the different academic approaches to processes of learning at work and training, we have chosen Michael Eraut’s notion of learning trajectories to apply to our research. We have chosen it for its potential: it provides a longitudinal approach to learning, it takes into account technical, social and personal dimensions of learning, and it also develops a particular focus on the learning of newcomers in a working context.

In the article, I explain how we have applied Eraut’s model to devise our research strategy, which is still under the process of implementation. I also explain the challenges we face and the decisions we have taken in order to apply a methodology that is capable of covering learning, training, assessment and the interactions among these processes. I conclude with reflections upon several areas that emerge from our methodological design. 


vocational training, work experience, transition into work, learning trajectories, social inclusion, identity formation


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Author Biography

Fernando Marhuenda-Fluixá, Universitat de València

Departament de Didáctica i Organizació Escolar, Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l’Educació




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