Analysis of the presence and approaches to intersexuality in emotional and sexual education


  • Alejandro Granero Andújar Universidad de Huelva
  • Teresa García Gómez Universidad de Almería


Intersexuality is an underexplored educational reality. This work aims to determine the extent to which intersexuality is present in emotional and sexual education and how it is approached. To this end, a multiple case study was carried out in two secondary education schools in Almeria. The data were collected by means of non-participant observation, in depth semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis and analysed using a coding technique. The results reveal that intersexuality is a virtually unknown reality that is largely ignored in this educational context due both to omission and the superficiality with which the topic is addressed. Additionally, this approach to intersexuality reproduces excluding and discriminatory values, such as binarism and monosexuality, which have been internalized by the participating students, thus giving rise to exclusionary and unequal attitudes among them. We conclude that it is necessary to address intersexuality in educational contexts in a transversal and profound manner in order not to reproduce discriminatory values and to promote the inclusion of diverse corporealities. Similarly, it is essential to discuss the prevailing concept of normativity in greater depth and question binarist and monosexist conceptions in teaching practices.


hidden curriculum, body diversity, secondary education, affective-sex education, intersexuality


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Author Biographies

Alejandro Granero Andújar, Universidad de Huelva

Profesor del Departamento de Pedagogía de la Facultad de Educación, Psicología y Ciencias del Deporte (Universidad de Huelva)

Teresa García Gómez, Universidad de Almería

Profesora Titular del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación




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