Impact of cooperative learning on the inclusion of students in secondary education
This article presents the results obtained in a secondary education institute of the autonomous region of the Balearic Islands, which has implemented the cooperate to learn/learn to cooperate program in both the three areas of intervention and in the three stages of development of this program. The main objective is to analyze the impact of cooperative learning on student cohesion, inclusion, and learning. The research methodology used is situated in the qualitative paradigm, and more specifically in the intrinsic case study. Information was collected from three complementary sources, thus enabling the necessary triangulation to ensure the validity and reliability of the data: a semi-structured interview with the school’s cooperative learning commission, a discussion group with the teachers involved, and a focus group with students. The results allow us to conclude that the introduction of the cooperative learning methodology increases interactional, relational, and learning situations.
cooperative learning, group cohesion, inclusion, secondary educationsReferences
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