Transfer of educational innovation projects: A study of their capacity to transform teaching and learning



The article analyses the capacity of university-funded educational innovation projects to transform teaching practices, the learning culture of teaching teams, the development of study programmes and the advancement of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). It describes, as a case study, a research project which aims to evaluate transfer in educational innovation projects at the University of Valencia (UV). A mixed methodological approach is used, based on an original questionnaire, interviews and a focus group. Results provide evidence of interdisciplinary and disruptive innovations, and to a lesser extent in unusual spaces, research-based or with students as protagonists. Its impact has been evident in improving the student experience and the culture of the teaching team. Less conclusive has been its impact on the study programme, on the advancement of SoTL and on institutional development. After assessing critical issues regarding management, dynamics and support for innovation, conclusions suggest promoting strategies to improve learning and boosting academic teaching development at UV: with students as co-creators, based on the needs of the study programme and of the disciplinary didactics, accounting for the real cost of innovation to give it the necessary visibility, and with sufficient pedagogical support to contribute to the advancement of SoTL.


teaching innovation, innovation projects, higher education, transformative education, transfer of learning


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Author Biography

María-Jesús Martínez-Usarralde, Universidad de Valencia

Profesora Titular de Universidad.

Departament d' Educació Comparada i História de l'Educació.

Facultat de Filosofia i Ciències de l' Educació.

Universitat de València.




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