Validation of a screening instrument for the detection of students at risk of social exclusion: CAREs


  • Inmaculada Ávalos Ruiz Universidad de Granada
  • Manuel Fernández Cruz Universidad de Granada


This study presents the validation of CAREs as a screening instrument that can be used by teaching staff to detect cases that require in-depth diagnosis and specialised intervention, and to adapt and optimise the school program in order to reduce risk of social exclusion at school. CAREs was applied to a sample of 25 adolescents, along with a specialised range of diagnostics, consisting of ADITEC, PAI-A, APGAR Familiar, MESI, ETS, CUVINO and AVE, to study the consistency of the results obtained. These results show that CAREs has a sensitivity of 1.00 and a specificity of 0.64, scoring a false-positive ratio range of 0.36 and a false-negative ratio of 0.00. These data demonstrate that all students who are at risk of social exclusion are detected by screening, and can be referred to specialised psycho-pedagogical services for in-depth confirmatory diagnosis.


risk of social exclusion, adolescents, screening tests, school diagnosis


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