Resources for self-learning: An analysis from the learning ecologies of educational counsellors



Learning ecologies position the individual as an active learner who self-regulates her own learning using varied resources. This study investigates the self-learning processes that educational counsellors develop, through an analysis of the type and frequency of use of certain resources, mostly technological. For this, a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research methodology was used, with an ex post facto and cross-sectional design, applying a bespoke questionnaire with five blocks of content to n = 101 educational counsellors in A Coruña, Spain. The results showed a higher use of resources for accessing, searching and managing information, as opposed to those for creating and editing content, and for interaction and communication. No statistically significant differences were found according to sex or years of experience. A significantly increasing trend of use was found among younger teachers, and higher use was also found in professionals with more training. In short, the study found a growing interest in incorporating and updating knowledge of the resources that the digital society makes available to educational counsellors, especially among younger groups; and an understanding of the importance of on-going and self-regulated training within the framework of learning ecologies.


educational guidance, educational counsellors, information and communication technologies, lifelong learning, learning ecologies


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