Social representations around inclusive education. A grounded theory approach to the Deaf community



This study aims to analyse the social representations that exist around the Deaf community and inclusive education in a school located in the municipality of Ibagué, Colombia. To achieve this, a constructivist model was used, taking a qualitative approach and applying grounded theory to discover the situation in the environment selected. The process of data collection and subsequent analysis revealed three representations: two indicated commitment and support for Deaf students, while the third, in contrast, showed that a group of students at the school ignores this community. Based on these findings, three macro conclusions can be reached: first, social representations can decisively shape the educational environment; second, these representations can evolve, given the right conditions; and third, a group can face completely opposite representations, even in the same environment.


social representations, inclusive education, Deaf community, right to education


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Author Biographies

Erika Paola Motta Totena, Universidad Católica de Manizales

Licenciada en Lengua Castellana, Especialista en Pedagogía, Magíster en Educación y Candidata a Doctora en Educación de la Universidad Católica de Manizales. Actualmente, docente catedrática de la Universidad del Tolima- IDEAD. Tutora del Programa Todos a Aprender del Ministerio de Educación Nacional de Colombia. Docente Secretaría de Educación Municipal de Ibagué.

Jorge Eliécer Rivera Franco, Universidad Católica de Manizales

Doctor en Educación de la Universidad de Salamanca. Magister en Desarrollo Educativo y Social Uni-versidad Pedagógica Nacional. Licenciado en Educación, Especialidad Administración Educativa. Docente del Doctorado en Educación de la Universidad Católica de Manizales.




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