Socio-emotional skills and cognitive processes in migrant children


  • Jeimy Tatiana Rincón Ávila Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
  • Nelly Milady López-Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga


The complexity of the social, cultural and political dynamics of globalisation brings with it challenges in which intercultural education becomes an option for mitigating inequality gaps in communities. This study analyses Venezuelan child migrants in Colombia. It is a mixed, interpretative, phenomenological study using interviews, participatory observation, social cartography, field diary and questionnaire. The study established that the process of migration has a direct but silent impact on the cognitive and socio-emotional development of the children. The findings inspired the creation of the pedagogical strategy “Uniting Borders”, consisting of an introductory focal activity and five workshops aimed at developing socioemotional skills and cognitive processes in the children, based on the pedagogy of otherness, the Reggio Emilia pedagogy. It was concluded that it is essential for the educator to take a humanist approach by recognising the uniqueness of each child in their daily life; the pedagogical strategy provides tools to improve their relationship with themselves and others, encourages cognitive development, and motivates them to set themselves goals based on the recognition of their environment and of uncertainty. Uniting Borders can be replicated in other territories receiving migrant children populations.


social development, cognitive processes, childhood, migrant, intercultural education


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