The views of trainee teachers on the application of cooperative learning at university
Cooperative learning is a teaching method that promotes active learning among students, including at university level. This study analyzes the application of this methodology in third-year university teaching of the degrees in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education from the perspective of trainee teachers. To this end, a cross-sectional study was carried out with a non-experimental, descriptive design and a sample of 306 university students who responded to the Cooperative Learning Application Scale (CLAS) (Atxurra et al., 2015). The results show a higher score in the dimensions “Social skills”, “Interaction” and “Positive interdependence”, and lower scores in the dimensions “Evaluation”, “Group reflection” and “Mentoring”. Through a refined analysis, differences were found in some dimensions considering the variables of degree subject and sex, which are discussed in the article. These results can offer methodological guidelines to assist the application of cooperative learning, which involves adopting particular evaluation approaches, stimulating reflection and strengthening the teacher's role as provider of guidance. The findings also contribute new knowledge to the conceptual framework on cooperative learning in higher education in the context of initial teacher training for Early Childhood and Primary Education.
cooperative learning, active methodologies, higher education, student perceptionReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 María Luisa Barceló-Cerdá, Ernesto López-Gómez, Belén Poveda-García-Noblejas, Inmaculada Rodríguez Gómez
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