Analysis of the educational response to gifted students
Gifted students require particular attention to help develop their potential, given that current theories assign an important role to educational opportunities. Among the initiatives aimed at these students, curricular enrichment and flexible learning represent measures with a high impact on their education. This study aims to understand what educational initiatives high-ability students are currently receiving in the classroom, and the incidence of certain variables on the types of initiative, including their teachers’ training, sex, age, years worked or educational level. With this objective, a descriptive-correlational study has been carried out using an ad hoc survey. A total of 1,176 teachers from different non-university educational stages participated in the study. The results point to a lack of coordination and long-term planning, and show that in most cases specific measures (enrichment and flexibility) are not implemented, and when they are carried out, many gaps are identified. Attention to high-ability students continues to be lacking in the educational system.
gifted students, curricular enrichment, acceleration, educational inclusionReferences
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