Teachers’ views and opinions on the use of digital media in rural schools with special difficulties



Despite a national and international commitment to inclusion, digitisation and creativity, few studies have combined an analysis of all three, and even less so in the context of rural schools. The aim of this paper is to identify the views of teachers in rural schools which have particular difficulty regarding the use of digital media from a creative and inclusive perspective. This paper reports on a study in the Autonomous Community of Aragon, as part of a state R&D+i research project on ‘Discourses and creative and inclusive teaching practices with digital media in schools with special difficulties’ (PID2020-112880RB-I00). A mixed quantitative-qualitative design is used, based on an ad hoc questionnaire completed by 52 teachers from a sample of 29 rural schools of special difficulty (N = 69), 30 semi-structured interviews and five focus groups with 18 teachers. The study shows that only a part of the teachers in the rural schools analysed consider a creative and inclusive perspective on the use of digital media in the classroom. The article concludes by highlighting the tensions around these media in rural schools with special difficulties. It also shows the opportunities offered by digital media in these schools from a creative and inclusive perspective.


teachers, creativity, rural school, school segregation, educational technology


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Author Biographies

Cristina Moreno-Pinillos, University of Zaragoza

Cristina Moreno is an interim professor in the Area of Didactics and School Organization at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza. She is a member of the "Education and Diversity" research group. Her lines of research are: rural school, inclusive education, digital media and ethnography.

Begoña Vigo-Arrazola, University of Zaragoza

Begoña Vigo Arrazola es Titular de Universidad del departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de Zaragoza desde 2007, habiendo empezado en 1989. En la actualidad, es Investigadora Principal del Grupo de Investigación de Referencia del Gobierno de Aragón EDI (Educación y Diversidad), del que forma parte desde su creación en 2004, e Investigadora Principal y creadora del Grupo de Acción de Campus Iberus “Educación inclusiva en espacios rurales, urbanos y periurbanos” desde 2018. Ha sido profesora visitante en la Universidad de Roehampton en Londres (UK), Boras (Suecia) y Durham (UK), entre otras. Su investigación se centra en educación inclusiva, escuelas rurales y formación de profesorado.

Pilar Lasheras-Lalana, University of Zaragoza

Pilar Lasheras es profesora interina del Área de Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en Educación en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de Teruel. Miembro del grupo de investigación ‘Educación y Diversidad’. Líneas de investigación: Educación Inclusiva, diversidad cultural y escuela rural.




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