The views of students from Spain and Latin America on the impact of the on-line master’s degree in psychopedagogy on their professional development
In recent years there has been a significant increase in the supply of master’s studies and the interest in pursuing them. This is due to various factors, such as changes in the labour market, the demand for continuous training or the motivation for professional development, among others. In a world in constant transformation, the transition of graduates into the labour market is an important issue for educational systems. This study looks at the relationship between work trajectories, student motivations and the perceived impact on professional development. For this purpose, an ex post facto quantitative study was carried out, analysing the views of graduates of an on-line master’s degree in psychopedagogy at a centre affiliated to the University of Barcelona were analysed, using a questionnaire with a sample of 199 students living in Spain and various countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The results indicate that the main motivation is professional advancement and improved job opportunities and, in terms of the trajectory and impact of training, differences were found depending on the place of residence of the students.
psychopedagogy, job insertion, motivation for studies, transitioned to professional life, master’s studiesReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carolina Quirós Domínguez, Valeria de Ormaechea Otarola, Robert Valls-Figuera
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