Digital skills of educators at integrated vocational training centres in Spain
Professional teaching is key to ensuring optimum and inclusive education, with information and computing technologies (ICTs) among the ways of achieving this challenge, along with the necessary skills to exploit them. This study aims to understand the level of digital skills of educators at vocational training centres in Spain. The study describes, compares and analyses the responses of 47.11% of the population to a validated ad hoc questionnaire with a reliability of α = .81. A descriptive, correlational and Bayesian network data study was developed using the SPSS Statistics 22 and OpenMarkov programs. The results show that the sample has user-level digital skills, mostly acquired through self-teaching and attending conferences. Furthermore, the most innovative resources and tools are poorly integrated into professional teaching, with specific teaching platforms and programs being the most unknown. In conclusion, administrations must face this challenge by offering permanent training programs to improve digital skills and, as consequence, improve the integration of technological resources as tools for a more accessible and inclusive education.
guidance, vocational training, technical ability, new technologies, digital competenceReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Esperanza Requejo Fernández, Manuela Raposo-Rivas, José Antonio Sarmiento Campos
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