Addressing the SDGs and fostering reflective thinking in teacher training: A study on transdisciplinary planning of language and literature through Learning Situations



This study explores the possibilities of linguistic and literary education to address the subject of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to foster reflective thinking in teacher training. The theoretical framework is based on a conceptual framework of transdisciplinarity, the paradigm of literary and reading education, and the use of active methodologies such as Learning Situations (LS). The project consists of developing Learning Situations following the guidelines of the LOMLOE and has been carried out using Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology on university-level Primary Education Teaching degree students. The component of transdisciplinarity, the development of reflective thinking, and didactic aspects related to the SDGs were studied. An ad hoc questionnaire with pre-test and post-test based on Sabariego et al. (2020) was used, as well as two qualitative instruments: the conclusions of the Learning Situations elaborated and the reflections of the participants. The analysis of the pre- and post-test questionnaires shows a general improvement, with significantly higher scores in the post-test, in the areas linked to methodology and satisfaction with the activity. The results demonstrate that the transdisciplinary approach based on the SDGs promotes critical thinking and enriches the educational experience.


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), transdisciplinarity, literary education, teacher training, reflexive thinking


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Author Biography

Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda, University of Valencia

Nerea Hernaiz-Agreda is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Didactics and School Organization (University of Valencia). She has a PhD in Education and her main lines of research are related to competences, employability, socio-cultural adaptation, and cultural and educational diversity. She is also a member of the Culture, Diversity & Development research group.




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