Factors and interventions for the educational success of juvenile offenders
The juvenile justice system is showing signs of change in its approaches and principles. The aim of this study is to identify the effects of an interdisciplinary approach that treats minors as adolescents rather than offenders, and recognises their needs, capabilities and rights. A case study was designed based on a qualitative approach. Three individuals were selected from among the students at a secondary education institution where detention measures are in place. Interviews, documentary analysis and participant observation were used to analyse the life stories, family support and efforts of educational staff in identifying and eliminating barriers. The results highlight the need to take the experiences of each adolescent as a starting point for identifying the obstacles they encounter. The study found that identifying and addressing obstacles can lead to a networked approach, shared responsibilities, common goals and institutional commitment.
educational integration, juvenile delinquency, maladjustment, social integrationReferences
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Copyright (c) 2024 Núria López-Roca, María Fernández-Hawrylak, Jesús Soldevila-Pérez, Maria Rosa Rosselló-Ramon

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