Labour market participation of Spanish youth with an intermediate or higher vocational education and training diploma
This paper analyses the labour market participation of young Spanish workers holding an intermediate or higher vocational education and training (VET) diploma. The analysis is undertaken from a comparative perspective considering level of education and gender. Data are provided on the whole survey population, distinguishing between young people with general studies (compulsory schooling or lower, secondary education and university) and professional studies (intermediate and higher VET diploma). The data were collected by means of a household, interview-based questionnaire among young people aged 26-28 years old. The sample is statistically representative of the population census for the same age bracket living in Palma, Mallorca. The results suggest that women with vocational training have a higher employment participation rate, while the results for men are more ambiguous. Those who opted for the VET path earn higher wages and have fewer temporary jobs than those with a more general education. At the higher education level, opting for a university education rather than a higher VET diploma translates into better wages and decreased mismatches between job and education. In addition, longer working hours are observed in the case of those with VET diplomas.Keywords
vocational education and training, general education, labour market insertion, transition from school to work, genderReferences
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Copyright (c) 2017 Francesca Salva-Mut, María Tugores-Ques, María Teresa Adame-Obrador, Miquel Francesc Oliver-Trobat
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