Emotional Intelligence of Vocational Training Students: Group, Gender and Age Differences
In today’s society, emotional intelligence (EI) plays an important role in managing personal adjustment. Given the existing variety among students in vocational training, the aim of this research was to identify differences in the levels of EI of students from Initial Professional Qualification Programs (IPQP) and Upper-Level Training Cycles (ULTC) according to gender, group (IPQP and ULTC) and age (15-17, 18-20 and >21 years old). A total of 201 Spanish IPQP and ULTC students from the Community of Valencia participated in the study. The data was obtained from TMMS-24 and EQ-i-S questionnaires and analyzed using a correlational method and a comparative retrospective ex post facto design with ANOVA (age) and two t-tests (group and sex). The results helped to identify statistically significant differences in the interpersonal category according to groups and in the repair category according to gender. Finally, the sample revealed differences in the repair and humour categories depending on age.Keywords
emotional intelligence, perceived emotional intelligence, evolutionary differences, professional training, gender, ageReferences
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