Conscious pedagogical experiences in higher education: a qualitative study



There is currently a great deal of research on mindfulness in the field of education at different levels. In higher education, most of these studies have been approached from a positivist view of the phenomenon, and have focused on assessing the benefits of mindfulness on the health and well-being of students, as well as on their academic performance. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of three university teachers who focus their educational work as a conscious experience, through the analysis of their life stories. The technique used was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed in two successive phases. The first consisted of a category analysis of the content of the interviews, and the second on reducing the data according to the objectives of the research, showing three different approaches to mindfulness: as a process that helps make students more aware; as a process of self-knowledge; and as a process aimed at expanding the unconditioned consciousness of students and teachers.


mindfulness, transformative learning, contemplative pedagogy, university education


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